Insulating the foundations of old buildings is one of the most important tasks when renovating them. If this element is neglected, it can lead to serious consequences such as damp walls, mould growth or weakening of the building structure. Properly securing the foundations not only prolongs the life of the house, but also affects the comfort of its use. In the following guide, we will outline the most important aspects of foundation insulation in older buildings.

Why is foundation insulation in old buildings so important?

Foundations are the structural basis of any building and their intact condition is crucial to the longevity of the entire structure. Old buildings often lack modern insulation solutions, leading to serious problems:

  • moisture - The lack of adequate insulation results in capillary rising of water from the ground, causing dampness in walls and basements,
  • mould and mildew - Excessive moisture in the masonry creates ideal conditions for mould growth, which has a negative impact on the health of residents,
  • weakening of the structure - Water penetrating the foundations can lead to corrosion of m1TP2Building materials and weaken their load-bearing capacity,
  • increased operating costs - Moisture reduces the effectiveness of thermal insulation, leading to higher heating bills.

Effective foundation insulation eliminates these problems, ensuring a dry and safe home for years to come. However, in order to get the job done right, it is essential to understand the basic principles and choose the right methods.

How do you recognise a problem with foundation insulation?

Before you start work, you need to assess the technical condition of the foundations and diagnose any problems. Visible signs of missing or damaged insulation are damp patches on the basement walls, plaster coming away or an unpleasant musty smell in the lower parts of the building. Salt efflorescence is also common, indicating the migration of moisture from the ground through the walls. In advanced cases, mould appears on the wall surfaces, which requires not only insulation repair, but also masonry drying interventions.

In some cases, specialised testing may be necessary, such as masonry moisture measurement or thermal imaging analysis to pinpoint areas exposed to damp. It is also worth carrying out a soil survey to determine the groundwater level and its impact on the foundations. Such analyses make it possible to plan precisely the extent and method of insulation work.

What are the methods of insulating foundations in old buildings?

Insulating foundations in old buildings can be done in several ways, depending on the extent of the problem and the resources available. One basic solution is vertical insulationwhich protects the foundation walls against groundwater. The following are used bituminous coatings or flexible waterproofing compounds. This type of insulation effectively protects against external moisture, and can be enhanced with a thermal insulation layer made of panels XPS.

The second important type of insulation is horizontal insulationwhich prevents capillary rising of water from the ground. In older buildings, it is often found that the original horizontal insulation is damaged or missing altogether. This can be restored by replacing the old layer with new materiles, such as two-component waterproofing or thermally welded membrane. An alternative is the injection method, which involves injecting chemicals into the masonry to form a moisture barrier.

Banded drainage is another effective solution, especially in buildings exposed to high groundwater levels. Drainage allows excess water to be drained away from around the foundations, reducing the risk of dampness. However, it should be remembered that its proper implementation requires proper design and the use of m1TP2Filtration materials, such as gravel or geotextile.

Foundation insulation - summary

Insulating foundations in old buildings is an investment that pays off over the years. Effective foundation protection avoids problems associated with dampness, mould and structural weakness. The key to success is an accurate diagnosis, the selection of the right method and the use of m1TP2Bodies of high quality. If you are wondering whether to undertake this task yourself, remember that for complex work, it is worth trusting the specialists. Properly executed foundation insulation is a guarantee of comfort, safety and savings.