System-based waterproofing solutions.


Accessories to be used for sealing unusual elements.


Excellent paints ensuring a proper protection against corrosion.


Terrace brackets that are perfect for ventilated terraces.


Terrace tiles are optimal for clients looking for a durable and resistant stoneware.


Profiles to be used for terraces and balconies.

Waterproofing materials Warsaw Water Block store

We are an online store with waterproofing materials that focuses not on quantity, but on quality. The Water Blocki waterproofing products we offer are made of the highest quality raw materials.

Our waterproofing products store makes sure to provide customers with the highest quality construction chemicals. In this category you will find professional waterproofing products. We offer our customers the opportunity to place an order online or make a purchase in our stationary store in Warsaw. In case of greater demand for products, please contact our order department by phone

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Water Block to produkty klasy premium przeznaczone dla klientów ceniących rozwiązania na lata. Długoletnia współpraca technologów z Polski i Szwajcarii pozwoliła na stworzenie kompletnych rozwiązań systemowych dla takich elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku jak balkony, tarasy, dachy oraz fundamenty. Water Block z powodzeniem stosowany jest wszędzie tam, gdzie ważne są takie parametry, jak duża elastyczność, odporność na niskie temperatury, czy wytrzymałość na parcie wody.

Water Block are premium class products designed for customers who value solutions for years. Long-term cooperation of technologists from Poland and Switzerland has allowed us to create complete system solutions for such structural elements of the building as balconies, terraces, roofs and foundations. Water Block is successfully used wherever parameters such as high flexibility, resistance to low temperatures or resistance to water pressure are important.

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