
Terrace brackets included in the WB S line are alternatives to WB S PLUS line supports. They are characterized by:


  • Stable head covered with anti-noise and non-slip rubber.
  • Height that can be adjusted with a key through the gap between the plates.
  • Durable „PP” polypropylene construction.



Terrace brackets are suitable for any self-supporting paving system, both external and internal. They can be applied directly to each of the waterproofing membranes, masses, and insulations made by Water Block.

The product is resistant to temperatures ranging from -40 to 120 °C, harmful weather conditions, and UV rays.

Plan bracket placement ahead:


Calculate foot consumption per m²:



Informacje dodatkowe


25/40mm, 40/70mm, 60/100mm, 90/160mm, 150/270mm

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Water Block to produkty klasy premium przeznaczone dla klientów ceniących rozwiązania na lata. Długoletnia współpraca technologów z Polski i Szwajcarii pozwoliła na stworzenie kompletnych rozwiązań systemowych dla takich elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku jak balkony, tarasy, dachy oraz fundamenty. Water Block z powodzeniem stosowany jest wszędzie tam, gdzie ważne są takie parametry, jak duża elastyczność, odporność na niskie temperatury, czy wytrzymałość na parcie wody.

Water Block are premium class products designed for customers who value solutions for years. Long-term cooperation of technologists from Poland and Switzerland has allowed us to create complete system solutions for such structural elements of the building as balconies, terraces, roofs and foundations. Water Block is successfully used wherever parameters such as high flexibility, resistance to low temperatures or resistance to water pressure are important.

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