
WB MEMBRANE – it is a flexible sealing mat characterized by a very high elasticity, consisting of two layers of polypropylene non-woven fabric with an elastomer layer in between. Such an arrangement of layers allows for permanent sealing even at low temperatures and very high flexibility. The WB membrane is characterized by the hydrostatic pressure load capacity of 0.5 MPa, temperature resistance from -30 to 90 oC, as well as high tensile strength of 13 Mpa.


for waterproofing:

  • balconies
  • terraces
  • swimming pools
  • bathrooms and shower cabins
  • saunas



  • highly elastic ,
  • permanently waterproof and water resistant,
  • fatigue resistant,
  • reduces tensions and cracks,
  • alkali and chemical resistant,
  • strengthens the surface and improves its tightness in places characterized by high water pressure.


WB Membrane is fixed to the surface with the WB DUO FLEX, which – after being prepared for use – should be spread with a brush or trowel on the area of about 1 m in front of the membrane roll. Then, the roll should be the applied to the adhesive mass, the excess of which should be removed from under the membrane with a trowel or pressure roller. When applying the membrane, one should remember about overlaps of about 10 cm. After applying the WB Membrane, the entire surface should be covered with WB 2K insulation, which fills all joints and creates a uniform and tight insulation layer.


Instructions pertaining to the application of the WB Membrane:





Karta techniczna produktu – pobierz.

Informacje dodatkowe

Waga 0,04 kg

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Water Block to produkty klasy premium przeznaczone dla klientów ceniących rozwiązania na lata. Długoletnia współpraca technologów z Polski i Szwajcarii pozwoliła na stworzenie kompletnych rozwiązań systemowych dla takich elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku jak balkony, tarasy, dachy oraz fundamenty. Water Block z powodzeniem stosowany jest wszędzie tam, gdzie ważne są takie parametry, jak duża elastyczność, odporność na niskie temperatury, czy wytrzymałość na parcie wody.

Water Block are premium class products designed for customers who value solutions for years. Long-term cooperation of technologists from Poland and Switzerland has allowed us to create complete system solutions for such structural elements of the building as balconies, terraces, roofs and foundations. Water Block is successfully used wherever parameters such as high flexibility, resistance to low temperatures or resistance to water pressure are important.

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