
WB 2K waterproofing hydroizolacja 2K – is a two-component flexible waterproofing basing on water dispersion of plastics and cement. Said product creates a perfectly adhering and tight coating on elements exposed to water and allows to cover cracks and scratches. It is also resistant to UV rays, chlorinated water, oils, gasoline, municipal sewage, and other factors. The product inhibits the process of concrete carbonation and does not cause steel corrosion. Thanks to low water vapor diffusion resistance, it allows for the evaporation of water from damp structures. The product can be used horizontally and vertically on both internal and external surfaces.

Surface preparation:

Surfaces to be sealed with WB 2K waterproofing must be sturdy, compact, dry or matt damp, cleaned of dust, mold, algae, moss, flaking coatings, oil, cement laitance, rust, efflorescence, infiltrations, bitumen coatings, and other adhesion-reducing substances. Any defects and irregularities should be properly removed by using mortar. Highly absorbent surfaces and the ones containing gypsum should be primed with a deep penetrating primer. Normally absorbent surfaces do not require additional priming. Properly prepared and seasoned surfaces should be moistened with water.

Product preparation:

WB 2K contains two separate packages: a liquid component and a dry (powder) one. Pour the powder into the packaging containing the liquid, slowly stirring with a low-speed mixer until a uniform mass without lumps is obtained (stir for approximately 2 minutes). Leave the mass for 5 minutes to settle and then mix again. Do not mix the mass by hand. Use the preparation within 1 hour.

Usage method:

WB 2K should be applied to the surface with a brush, steel trowel, or a spraying device. Apply the first thin layer onto the surface to close the pores. The second layer should be applied only after the first layer has settled and dried (after approximately 4 hours). During a single application, the thickness of the layer must not exceed 2 mm (recommended thickness – 1 mm) and the total thickness of all applied layers must not be lower than 2 mm. Smoothing the surface with a steel trowel can be done within a few minutes from the moment of applying the product.

In the case of vertical and horizontal corners, as well as expansion joints, additional sealing tape should be embedded. Surfaces carrying heavy loads should be strengthened with embedded fiberglass fabrics.

Do not apply the product during precipitation of any kind. Protect freshly applied coatings from rain and frost for about 12 hours.

In particularly hot and dry conditions, protect the product against rapid drying by using damp mats.

Tiling can be started after 4-5 days from the moment of product application.

Storage and transportation:

WB 2K should be transported and stored in tightly closed packages, at temperatures above zero degrees centigrade. Protect against moisture and frost. Store in a dry place on pallets and in the original packaging.

Storage period:

24 months – powder,
12 months – liquid.


33 kg – complete set
25 kg – dry component
8 kg – wet component


1.7 kg/m2 per 1 mm of layer thickness. The exact efficiency of the product depends on the absorbency and structure of the surface.

Material usage:
  • WB 2k waterproofing – sufficient for 10 to 12 m2




Product technical sheet – download.

Informacje dodatkowe

Waga 33 kg

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Water Block to produkty klasy premium przeznaczone dla klientów ceniących rozwiązania na lata. Długoletnia współpraca technologów z Polski i Szwajcarii pozwoliła na stworzenie kompletnych rozwiązań systemowych dla takich elementów konstrukcyjnych budynku jak balkony, tarasy, dachy oraz fundamenty. Water Block z powodzeniem stosowany jest wszędzie tam, gdzie ważne są takie parametry, jak duża elastyczność, odporność na niskie temperatury, czy wytrzymałość na parcie wody.

Water Block are premium class products designed for customers who value solutions for years. Long-term cooperation of technologists from Poland and Switzerland has allowed us to create complete system solutions for such structural elements of the building as balconies, terraces, roofs and foundations. Water Block is successfully used wherever parameters such as high flexibility, resistance to low temperatures or resistance to water pressure are important.

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